Forums » In the PIT » CALL TO ACTION: Field Rental Costs
Messages for CALL TO ACTION: Field Rental Costs
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Feb 01, 2013 09:40 AM |
The following email was sent by Corey Draper Executive Director of MODS who is working to reduce the 105% increase in field costs for the upcoming season. He is asking everyone in our league to spend 10 minutes emailing each of the Councillors who voted in favor of the increase to express your displeasure. Between the PIT and MODS we have thousands of participants and hope that the show of solidarity will be enough to have the costs reduced. Spending 10 minutes to actively lobby something that you care about and will ultimately save you lots of money seems like a no brainer. Here is Corey's email, a list of Councillors to target and their contact information. It is now in your hands to help make a difference. We ask that you email and call each of the Councillors (copy and paste is great!) before Monday 800am so their inboxes are flooded over the weekend.
I have attached a word document with a call to action for your members. It includes some back ground info on the problem and additionally points to which Councillors need to be targeted. A sample of a letter your members could use is at the bottom.
My strategy is to target the Councillors that voted no initially. I'm asking them to reverse their vote on the failed motion that Brian Mayes brought forward. We need to fill the inbox and voice mail of as many of these Councillors as possible. The 5 who voted in favor don't need additional convincing.
I'll be doing another media release today. We got a full page in the Sun (page 6) and I suspect the Free Press was going to run something tomorrow.
I just came across the fact that School Booking rates just went from per contract to per slot. So I will be taking that to the media now as it is a fresh piece of info. Additionally the public will have a lot more sympathy for things that effect kids than adults.
If you are in contact with anyone that wants to join in please send them my way. The leagues who think this won't effect them are wrong. The ripple effect of raising rental rates for city fees will eventually effect the rates of all venues.
I'll be sending a personalized letter to each councilor in regards to the impact on MODS and I invite you to do the same.
A letter that you can copy and paste/personalize can be found at the following link:
The file is titled "Call to Action: Field Costs"
If you think the council should reverse its decision on the amendment brought forward by councillor Brian Mayes please contact the following councillors who voted against it.
Daniel Vandal (St. Boniface)
Devi Sharma (Old Kildonan)
Grant Nordman (St. Charles)
Harvey Smith (Daniel McIntyre)
Jeff Browaty (North Kildonan)
Mike Pagtakhan (Point Douglas)
Paula Havixbeck (Charleswood-Tuxedo)
Russ Wyatt (Transcona)
Scott Fielding (St. James – Brooklands)
Thomas Steen (Elmwood – East Kildonan)
A list of contact information for the City Council can be found here:
(or click the ward map to find your councillor:
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Feb 01, 2013 11:23 AM |
(for ease of copying/pasting)
Dear Councillor,
I am writing to express my concern over the substantial increase in athletic field rental costs in the 2013 Budget. In the budget, adult athletic field rentals have increased from $34 to $70 per night, an increase of 105%.
This increase will have a negative effect on leagues and recreation/fitness programming throughout the city. By more than doubling field costs, organizations will be forced to either pass on this major increase to users in terms of higher fees, or reduce or eliminate some of their programming to save costs. The budget does not show any increase in the maintenance that the fields receive. Either way, this increase will reduce accessibility to sports and recreation programming and decrease quality of life in the City of Winnipeg. I strongly encourage you to reverse your decision on the motion to reduce this increase to $43.00. I also demand that money raised from this increase be applied towards the maintenance of the fields. The hiring of “enforcement staff” should not come from this money.
I am asking that you reverse the vote, make sure that the funds raised are going towards the fields that generated them and that you consult with sports groups on the best ways to solve the issues that you have.
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Feb 01, 2013 03:45 PM |
Done and Done.
I'll also be dropping off some physical copies on Tuesday. If you want me to drop some off for you, give 'em to Jon this weekend and I'll get them from him at work on Monday or something.
I also think we need to have our friends and family - even/especially the ones who don't play on the fields - do the same thing. I don't know of anyone who thinks this is a good idea...
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Feb 01, 2013 08:13 PM |
Dear Councillor,
I am writing to express my concern over the substantial increase in athletic field rental costs in the 2013 Budget. In the budget, adult athletic field rentals have increased from $34 to $70 per night, an increase of 105%.
This increase will have a negative effect on leagues and recreation/fitness programming throughout the city. By more than doubling field costs, organizations will be forced to either pass on this major increase to users in terms of higher fees, or reduce or eliminate some of their programming to save costs. The budget does not show any increase in the maintenance that the fields receive. Either way, this increase will reduce accessibility to sports and recreation programming and decrease quality of life in the City of Winnipeg. I strongly encourage you to reverse your decision on the motion to reduce this increase to $43.00. I also demand that money raised from this increase be applied towards the maintenance of the fields. The hiring of “enforcement staff” should not come from this money.
I am asking that you reverse the vote, make sure that the funds raised are going towards the fields that generated them and that you consult with sports groups on the best ways to solve the issues that you have.
Jon Neufeld
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Feb 02, 2013 03:50 AM |
Here's the reply I got from Dan Vandal's office:
Thanks for your e-mail. I want to point out the increase only applies to adults using the fields and not kids. And this is part of an initiative which will see the funds dedicated towards the policing of adults using fields without reservation as well as extra maintenance.
Thank you.
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Feb 04, 2013 03:48 AM |
The following is a reply I got from Scott Fielding's office, and my reply to it.
Subject: RE: outrage
Date: Mon, 4 Feb 2013 15:24:42 +0000
Good Morning Mr Trump,
In the 2013 budget deliberation, City Council has decided to increase the adult athletic field fee from $34 to $70. This fee is one of many different user fees that are reviewed each year by the City.
Currently, the cost to maintain 642 athletic fields in Winnipeg is approximately $1.3 million. Normal maintenance for these fields includes regular mowing, field marking, aeration, fertilization, top dressing, over-seeding, and pest control. The revenue collected from both adult and youth fees are approximately $260,000. In other words, only 20% of the cost of maintaining fields is captured by user fees with the remaining 80% being funded by mill rate support.
The increase in the adult athletic fee is expected to increase the budget by $45,000. This revenue will be allocated back into managing the fields by ensuring that all fields are booked by users. In other words, there are apparently some groups that use the fields, and do not pay for them. Starting in 2013, city staff will be reviewing fields to ensure that users have booked them.
City Council had some very difficult decisions to make in the budgeting process. I hope this information gives you the background, and a better understanding of this increase.
Kind Regards,
Bernita Mottola
AND my response;
I understand the costs and tithes associated, but tell me how a 3% increase in overall budget funds (your $45,000) is putting a serious dent in maintenance costs (1.3 million) , while the 107% increase seriously hampers our ability to use these fields. The math does not add up.
Have you thought of the ramifications of the fields not being used because they are too expensive? These are PUBLIC parks, which I pay already high taxes to maintain. There is no need to punish me further because I wish to remain healthy and active in my adult years by nailing me on both ends (taxes and rentals) People will find other places to play, as you are pushing them into private fields now, since they are now approximatly the same cost, and tend to be better maintained.
These 'rogue' elements, a vague enemy or problem you at city hall have created to scare up a reason for a little more money. Who are they? Families who want to have picnics? People who want to have a game of soccer with their friends or kids at the park across the street? Who are they? Is this seriously the enemy? As far as I have seen, there is no law stating I cannot use these PUBLIC parks. If you can point this out please do, as I have yet to find even one that applies.
Speaking of the city budget, I did happen to notice that a similar increase of $40,000 is being given to each councillor for expenses. You cannot tell me that is coincidence. In the press release there is nothing stating that these monies are going to maintenance, but rather to enforcement of a law that cannot be found, to a person who has no authority to enforce it.
So, if you are able to answer the above, please do. I await your response.
Matt Trump
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Feb 04, 2013 04:46 AM |
Here was my reply to Scott Fielding, I received the same answer word for word.
Thank you for your quick response.
This does provide some information but from what I understand council has no idea of the how widespread this problem of "rogue" user groups are and whether this is a cost effective solution. I have also spoken with people who book the fields for the city and they also cannot say whether this is anything more than a minor issue. Without actual consultation with user groups and with no understanding of the problem of "rogue" user groups it would seem that this fee increase come from left field.
Furthermore, council has failed to recognize the burden that such an increase would put on low income individuals who wish to participate in recreational sports. Was their any thought regarding the impact this fee would have on the health and well-being of those who have fixed incomes? Recreational sports should not be something that only the affluent can participate in.
As a frequent booker of fields from the city I know that my user group is now going to move more games off city fields into private facilities due to the fact that private fields are better maintained and safer than city fields and now cost comparable. Was there thought given to the diminishing returns on the fee increases if user groups were to go elsewhere?
Thanks again for your time,
Jonathon Franklin
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Feb 04, 2013 06:35 AM |
Done! Thanks eyamie for the body text as well
took me about 20 minutes to email everybody on the list
hopefully everybody in the pit takes the time to do this..nothing will happen if we dont all get on board and let our councillors know that this is unacceptable!!!
thanks to Jon and Scott for getting the ball rolling on this
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Feb 04, 2013 11:13 AM |
So I don't know if he's full of BS (politician so good chance) or is totally ignorant to reality (politician so good chance) but I got a further response. I have not responded as I am feeling nothing I say will penetrate that thick skull. Warning though, this guy obviously has very thick rose covered glasses (wait till you get to the part of what he thinks it will cost!)
> Hi Matt,
> Thanks for your e-mail regarding the increase to athletic field rentals.
> When I initially heard about the increased field rental fees I was of the understanding that the new revenue would go towards improving fields conditions. As an ultimate player and a councillor representing the residents of North Kildonan I was supportive of this because many of our fields are in poor condition. If there are typically 24-25 players in an ultimate game, the increase from $34 to $70 is no more than $1.50 per person.
> As it turns out, the increase is to go towards enforcement of collecting payments from organized adult leagues that are not paying the booking rental fee. Not only are these groups not paying their fair share of the cost to rent the field but they are often arguing with other non-booked groups over access to fields.
> It’s been suggested that this enforcement will create enough additional revenue to allocate additional funds towards field improvements. If it turns out there isn’t an enforcement problem, which I still personally believe, I will work to end the enforcement program and reinvest the additional revenue in field enhancements.
> Thank you again for taking the time to contact me.
> Sincerely,
> Councillor - North Kildonan Ward
> Acting Deputy Mayor ● Chair - Standing Policy Committee on Property & Development City of Winnipeg ● City Hall ● 510 Main Street ● Winnipeg ● Manitoba ● R3B 1B9
> Telephone: 204.986.5196 Fax: 204.986.3725 E-Mail:
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Feb 05, 2013 02:42 AM |
I received the same email from Browaty. I replied:
Dear Councillor Browaty,
First, thank you for your prompt reply. I recognise you're busy, and so I appreciate that you took the time to respond to my email.
You may be right that for ultimate players the increase is only $1.50, but isn't that $1.50 per game? If there are 18 games in a season, haven't we increased the amount each player must pay by $27? And what about those sports where the game is longer, or there are fewer people on each team? My touch football team, for example, plays 1.5 hour long games, and there are typically only 13-15 people on the team. $70 per 3 hours translates into $1470 for my season. Each player, then, has to pay an additional $98 for the season. Is there a guarantee from the City that these extra funds collected with bring the fields up to a certain standard, and that they will be maintained at that high standard?
I have never encountered an argument occur between permit-holders and others. Not once in 11 years of football, including refereeing around the City. Not only that, but I've never heard of such an argument occurring, not from any of the other referees, nor the league admin, nor the other players. One would imagine that if this problem is so widespread as to necessitate the hiring of enforcement officers, someone in my league would have encountered it once in 11 years.
Additionally, I wonder how these enforcement officers will do their job? Will they wander the streets of the city, looking for every group of friends playing football on a field without a permit? Will they respond to busybody neighbours complaining about some family playing soccer one Saturday afternoon? What shadowy menace does the City believe people using the fields paid for by property taxes pose the health of the fields? Shouldn't the City WANT people being active and having fun?
I also notice the City approved a $40,000 increase to Council's spending. I cannot help but feel this increase is coming off the backs of adults who want to stay active.
Finally, I wonder if the Council has realised this: by increasing the cost of permits so extravagantly, you are pushing leagues to privately owned fields. The cost remains similar, and the quality of the fields is usually significantly better. If leagues leave City fields, and thus do not purchase the $70 permits, how will this money be collected? Aren't we being set up for a catch-22? - either we pay exorbitant fees, or we leave and the City runs a deficit in this area and we pay more in taxes...
I hope you'll reconsider your position on this matter. Please vote against the increase to $70.
Chris Harwood
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Feb 05, 2013 01:28 PM |
Plan B. Three hour a night protests on the grounds of the leg. The first shift of about 14 to 28 protesters should be there for about 1.5 hours and the second shift will do the same. You should have two or three league officials there for the protests in order to ensure everything goes smoothly. To pass the time we should throw a ball around. The officials can keep track of who has a particularly good night of protesting and you can have a protestor of the night award. Perhaps one of the City Councillors will sponsor the award.
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Feb 06, 2013 01:26 AM |
HA! I love plan B. Protestor of the night sounds like a great new award, and I dont think the leg is a legitimate field, so there are no rental fees for being there, its just a public green space (I could be wrong) I vote for plan B is plan A fails. We could even expand this to multiple fields around the city, just so this new enforcement officer doesnt get bored.
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Feb 09, 2013 01:11 PM |
There is now a centralized website in which to contact city Councillors and the Mayor to protest the increase in field rental fees which will directly impact registration fees for adult sports.
Check out the website here and spend one minute (it literally takes 1 minute!) to send an email to your Councillor and the Mayor.
If you live in Transcona remember to oust Russ Wyatt next election.
The PIT Crew

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