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Messages for UTFL is a joke
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Sep 10, 2012 06:24 PM |
Okay ive never been shy about speaking my opinions on things, and i wont stop now. At the beginning of this year my team (chupacabras..or as scott says, chupacorbas! ha!) were debating which league to play in, UTFL or The PIT. We came to the decsion to stay in the UTFL for one more season, and then make the switch. But at the last minute, i dont even remember what the reason was.( it might of been the fact we won the div9 indoor spring championship). Nevertheless, we came to the PIT and it has been by far the best outdoor football playing experience we have ever had. I dont know if enough credit will ever go out to Scott and Jon for all the stuff they do to keep the league running smoothly, not to mention they are the most approachable people to talk to if you ever have a problem with anything. What really made me write this is the fact the UTFL higher ups, more specifically the league president has "dissapeared" and the league ended and they couldnt even provide playoffs for all the teams who paid hundreds of dollars to play. I cant imagine how pissed off players over there must be, i can see it getting quite ugly. I said last year while playing in the U that it was "bush league" run, but this takes it to a whole new level. I clearly dont know all the details of what is actually going on over there, but it was clearly run but people not capable of doing the job. The UTFL flat out sucks, if anyone disagrees or has a problem with what i said, feel free to comment. I highly suggest people go to the UTFL sight and read what is going on there right now. Coming to The Pit was the best decision our team ever made.
PS- i dont proof my stuff, so if there are any grammar police on here, I apologize.
QB#15 Chupas.
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Sep 11, 2012 03:59 AM |
oh and i completely agree, feel bad for the teams over there, but at the same time, i find the demise of the league quite comical, and even had bets running on how many teams the league was going to lose from year to year. The lack of professionalism is astounding and obviously this year it has gone to a whole new level.
Everyone who has been banned from their forum say "I" LOL!!!
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Sep 11, 2012 05:14 AM |
See, I'm sad that such a thing has happened. First, I hope Glen's okay. Second, anything that improves the visibility and quality of touch football in Manitoba is something we should all be cheering for. Having a number of leagues allows for more voices speaking on the behalf of players for fields, additional experience for refs, increased exposure for the game, etc.
Did I love playing in the U? - no. No I did not. But I think it's shortsighted to rejoice in their demise. More football for more people is a very good thing.
Also, I love playing and reffing in the PIT. This isn't a knock against anyone in this league, because it really is the best touch football experience a person could want.
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Sep 11, 2012 05:33 AM |
I think it has been very short sighted and comical the way other leagues have pushed teams to go elsewhere, and at the same time done it with such a negative screw you kind of attitude.
It is kind of hard to feel bad for the league when they are screwing over a number of my friends and teammates on other teams who unfortunatley mistakenly kept their teams in that league this year and "gave them another chance" out of loyalty to what used to be a decent product. It is comical in a very sarcastic way, and if anyone has followed their forum, and followed the 7 people who are allowed to post on that site, you would see how comical the mis-managment has been all year.
That being said the pit holds themselves to a higher standard, and it is and will be their responsibility to maintain/improve their league as the years go on.
I don't think there is a lack of football in Winnipeg, and i do not see that being an issue. If the Pit fails to offer the great product they currently do, i am sure someone will come along to try to offer something better. ( i do not see this being an issue in the near future BTW)
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Sep 11, 2012 06:21 AM |
I have no problem rejoicing in the dimise of the U. I had my run with a "higher up" in that league last year so I dont feel bad at all about what happen. I only feel bad for the players and teams who have to deal with that miss. I also has wagers about how many teams they would lose this up coming season and wasn't surprised at all by the lack teams. I wasn't technically banned from the forms but when I spoke my opinion, it wasn't received well, god forbid you mention "The Pit" over there, it's like committing one of the deadly sins. All they did was bash the Pit and say how they have shitty field and how the divisons were always mismatched, which was complete and utter bullshit. The Pits fields are a million times better than the one the U uses. I also hardly think with them not being around is going to make any difference, all those teams can just come over to the darkside and join the largest league in canada. Anyways I could continue to bash the now non-exsistant UTFL, but I have to get to work.
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Sep 11, 2012 06:24 AM |
As one of the "original 7" teams (Absolutely Fabulous next year changed to Hydrants) of the UTFL Im kind of sad to hear of it's death. We did not leave the UTFL due to politics alone. We left for the better product offered in the PIT. In 2010 I played in both leagues at the same time and the writing was on the wall. It's just impossible to compare the two. Now in the midst of our second full season with the PIT were pretty sure this will be the place we take our last snaps.
I think going into this season the UTFL had a huge challenge ahead of it. With new owners taking over a faltering league and a lack of experience doing it. As mad as everyone is with the shortened season and lack of playoffs consider that Im sure this was not their plan from the beginning. I have faith that once the smoke clears there will be an explanation and an apology.
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Sep 11, 2012 07:19 AM |
Players Indoor Touch Football. We were originally just going to be an indoor touch football league however there was an opportunity to get an outdoor league off the ground when the other leagues in the city started taking their memberships for granted. Originally our outdoor league was Players Outdoor Touch, you can imagine what our logo was! The first few paragraphs here give some info on how it all started:
We decided to keep the original name for simplicity sake, we just shortened it to PIT Football and now we have the coolest logo in the game.
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Sep 11, 2012 07:36 AM |
Whoever said I hope Glen is okay needs to get their head examined. Glen ruined the UTFL. He got in way over his head, and bailed on us. Refs cheques are bouncing, and a game has not been played since 9:00 am saturday morning. My team still has 3 games left. At roughly $90 per game, that's $270 of playing time we are owed!! Not to mention playoffs!!
In the end, we have 30 teams who are owed games and playoffs, who just got shafted. Is it our fault? Are we lesser human beings who deserved to get ragged on because some joker decided to bounce?
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Sep 11, 2012 07:42 AM |
apparently i am being attacked on the UTFL forum lol by Mike and Whoever else, it is what it is. Ok to be more specific i find The demise "THIS" year to be comical, because i have followed the forum and have lived vicariously through some old team mates and current team mates.
My teams left the U with Class, with the promise of sponsers, awards, lined and properly maintained fields as well as many other things including finals at East Side from the Pit, and the pit has not dissapointed. We left, and our teams politely explained to the league at the time our reasons for making our decisions along with the ease of scheduling because we were Amalgamating with players who currently already played on teams in the Pit. Let's just say, the response we got was less than kind to say the least from the former owner of the UTFL.
I understand that Mike ran the U for several years of great success, and i don't think anyone will dispute that, but in the past year or two the pit stepped it's game up and offered all the perks that sometimes just make things that much better, and the U was not willing to put in the same effort. Even MVP trophies, the one perk there was was taken away in the U.
Either way.... Mike did a fine Job in his time, and we made our decision based on several factors, and we took this year with a "wait and see" attitude towards the U, and yes I personally expected a significant decline in teams based on what i had seen from playing in both teams at the same time. If the U stepped it's game up and updated their product, they might have seen some return next year, because there is always room for some competition, but it looks like they have drowned instead.
I would suggest that Mike and others involved over the last decade with the U stop taking everything so personally as you did when we chose the pit this year. It is too bad that Glen Finished off your once great league........
oh and don't worry, i don't think Jon and Scott are going to put Glen in charge anytime soon if he ever does turn up LOL.
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Sep 11, 2012 08:01 AM |
Our team has played the PIT Fall - Winter- Spring for the past 3 seasons. Main reason we chose the UTFL for summer is that the fields used are fairly close to where most guys on the team live. We were also debating on joining the PIT for this summer, but unlike Travers... we made the wrong decision. No point in relishing the way the UTFL was run this summer... players and refs bared no blame at all. The refs will out some cash as will each of the 30 teams. Luckily the Haliuks are banding together so at the very least the teams in the UTFL will get some kind of playoffs.
The blame lies solely with one person and one person only. The President himself. If health issues were the problem.... then he should have handed the reins over to other people willing to take up the slack. All we know is that he pocketed $42,000 in league fees.... paid out maybe 80% to refs and costs to use the fields. We've only had maybe 1 or 2 fields to use since June. One being MPR turned into 2 fields...... one without freaking goal posts.
Our team will be back in the PIT over the Fall and Winter..... and although I can't speak for my team in general..... we'll likely be looking at the PIT next summer.
Message for Jon.
Buddy.. you run an amazing league that will for the foreseeable future be the league against which all others are measured in this city. Not blowing sunshine up your keester... just stating a fact.
If the current/former league president of the UTFL comes calling looking for a job...... on behalf of us who played thru this hellish season in the UTFL.... tell him to GET BENT.
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Sep 11, 2012 08:16 AM |
Welcome to The PIT, where people do not hold back on their comments. You can't be made at people for laughing at the dimise of the U because they rubbed alot of people the wrong way. So when they fall flat on their face you can't expect anyone to feel sorry for them. Like I said before, I only feel bad for the teams and players and refs who are getting screwed out of playing games and the money they dropped down to play. But the writing has been on the wall for the past 2 seasons there. I suggested a few things on a form last year while playing to try and make it better, and the negative response I got from Mike and whoever else pissed me off. It's like they don't listen to what anyone has to say , and they are just going to do it their way, and that's the end of it. Well now it REALLY is the end of it, and I'm glad it happened. I'm a big ol' mean person. And Neil, who cares if you are being attacked on that lame form, take pride in knowing you finally got some people to talk on there, that form is always dead no one else talks or posts. It's as dead as.. Well, the UTFL is.
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Sep 11, 2012 08:57 AM |
Its probobly because I'm nobody that I haven't gotten any recognition for saying the league was a joke. But because you are Someone of note, you have to take the full bashing from them. I'm tempted to go over there and make my presence known, but like you said, we might crash the site. As much as glen is to blame for everything, how can there not be a 2nd person in charge? If Scott and Jon are away, I'm pretty sure they don't just say " well, the league will take care of its self". Theres always a 2nd or 3rd person around for ever company that is I'm charge if the headmaster isn't around, that's just common sense. If Vince MacMahon died tomrrow, the WWE wouldn't cease to exsist. Who put glen in charge in the first place?
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Sep 11, 2012 09:27 AM |
Oooh please, there's enough smart people in this league to balance out for everything I have said that you consider to be stupid. The intellectual level has never been higher than it is right now. I think I hit a nerve with benzeta. And who makes a profile just to come on here to insult me! I'm pointing at YOU Big Benzeta. I feel insulted!
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Sep 11, 2012 10:34 AM |
A little trivia.
Who was the only player to win both the first(1998) and last(2011) 1st division championship in the UTFL?
ME!! (I know a guy who lost both, but I won't name names :)
It's a bit sad to see the U go. I'm not going to knock the U because unfortunately, there's nothing left to knock. When the U first started, it gave a lot of young guys like myself an opportunity to play a lot more. It actually gave guys like Franklin the ability to play QB and eventually start to turn that into today's Avengers. Something he may not have had the opportunity to do. To kick Jerry and/or Mike is not fair because even if it wasn't as good of a league as the W back in the day or the Pit now, they most certainly ran better than the U this year. I only played a handful of games in the U this year and really had no complaints...mostly because it was for fun with friends. But not paying your staff, not scheduling games, not updating standings/stats, not really acceptable this day and age considering the competition. Not paying your staff isn't acceptable ever.
Oh well. See you later another touch football league. Probably not the last one I'll see go away in my time.
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Sep 11, 2012 10:59 AM |
Clearly the suttle joke I made went over your head. But since aren't actually playing in this league, I guess your intellectual level isn't quite up to par with the rest of the players. Well, have fun playing the rest of your season in the UTF....... Oooooh wait a minute, that doesn't exist anymore, well in that case, have fun... I dunno, doing whatever it is you do.
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Sep 11, 2012 11:11 AM |
I didn't make a profile to insult you Traverse. It's funny how you think everything is about you. I came on here to defend the UTFL after hearing you and Neil were talking shit. And since there is no one here to defend that league, I thought I would step up, because I'm on 2 teams affected by Glen going AWOL.
You are acting like a child making fun of people who have lost their football season like this is grade 3 recess. People like me run teams and will make decisions next year on a new league.. and people like you are making THIS LEAGUE look pretty unprofessional and blatently immature.
The PIT is one of the best leagues in Canada and I'm disappointed we didn't jump ship like you guys did this year. We decided to stay because I play on other teams in the U and wanted to ensure there would be no game conflicts (impossible to do this if you play PIT and U). I'm involved with 2 teams. Next year we will be choosing which league to play in.. your arrogant asshole comments are making our choice difficult (because originally it was an automatic yes for the PIT).
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Sep 11, 2012 11:37 AM |
You didn't come on here to insult me, and then call me an arragant asshole, and on top of all that, you spelt my name wrong, THAT really hurts :(. And counting the number of times the words "you" "your" and the incorrect spelling of my name "Traverse" came up in your response, how can I not think its about me? Im just a selfis guy, I always think Everything is about me, my ego is through roof. Actually my ego is so big it went through the ceiling and all the debris came crumbling down... onto the UTFL. So to you good sir I say good luck in all your future endeavors!
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Sep 11, 2012 11:58 AM |
Gentlemen, clearly there is a ton of passion within the touch football community, and it is sad that many teams will not get to complete the full 16 games that the U had scheduled this season. I know tempers will subside and touch football will continue with the focus on team rivalries rather than the jousting that occurs within forum boards at times.
All teams that may be considering the PIT as your place to play football, we welcome you. The PIT asks that we be judged on our merits and evidence shown within our website:
My opinion is that the PIT league is the best value for touch football within Manitoba.
PIT Crew
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Sep 12, 2012 06:56 AM |
Being caught by my own rules, epic fail on my part lol.
I find it quite hilarious that Mike H. went on a big rant saying "Jon did this" and "Jon did that" and he destroyed the WTFL because he started the PIT and that he is the devil, okay he didn't say that last part I just added that.. I probobly shouldnt stop posting things, but I just can't help myself. It's nice to post things that people actually respond to.
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Sep 16, 2012 12:45 PM |
All I know is 2 things, 1) When the U first started, it was a good thing, it gave a lot of guys an opportunity to play more since the Dub had a rule at the time that any one player could only play on one team regardless of division. It was run fair and was fun and everybody was treated as an equal. BUT 2)Eventually all the negativity everybody got from Mike when we tried to make suggestions for the better of the league was too much, certain guys got labeled as "trouble" and the collusion started and that became the biggest undoing.
Oh and as bonus #3) After I got kicked out of a game and suspended for life for posting my opinion and fact about unfair treatment and "targeting certain players the league didnt like" I noticed at the start of the next year the total amount of teams registered declined, and continued to decline every year since.
With that said I personally always liked Ray and Ziggy, Jerry W and Jerry H and B Zac at times.
My opinion too, is that the PIT league is the best value for touch football within Manitoba.
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Sep 17, 2012 12:34 AM |
I have actually tired to stay away from all the drama between the leagues over the years. While I always had a loyalty to the UTFL, I have to say that sometimes things have to implode to start again. From the troubles with Canford the U came about, then there was the W issues and the PIT came about. That is just he way it works sometimes. People complaining, bitching, and making uninformed comments never help anything nor anyone. Especially when the body if the UTFL is not even cold yet. (another week and the shovels will fill the grave though)
There is no barrier to entry when it comes to forming a league. Anyone can do it. That is not to say it will be run well. The PIT has put out a product that people like, so they will go there. It's easy. For the most part people that played in the U had a great time. There were issues sometime.... (See the Ash post above) but for the most part people did not take them too personally.
I liked playing in the UTFL and I liked the people I played agains and the ones I played with for the most part. Wasn't that the point? It is time to bury the UTFL and see what happens in the years to come. While I live in the UK now, I still perv the sites and see what is going on. I wasn't going to post anything but I say Kyle@s post and it has been a while. For what it is worth Ashuk, it was always fun playing with and against you! Refereeing you on the other hand.... OH VEY!!! :)
By the way Colby. You were a total piece of crap on the field. You want to personally slam me for skill? At 40 years old I was 10 times the player you would ever hope to be in your lifetime. And this is coming from a guy who never had the greatest hands in the world but has had the opportunity to play with and against some of the best players in MB. The saints replaced you with a 78 year old center and they thought he was better than you were. So next time you are on the field and drop a few more balls think about what you have to say before you say it. I am sure by the time you are 40 you will look back at your playing days in the low divisions and only wish you could even think about being that crappy once again....
To the rest of the teams, have fun and enjoy the Play-offs
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Sep 21, 2012 07:58 AM |
Did Mike see the writing on the wall when he sold the league? sucks that Glen bailed and didn't pay the ref's but the UTFL OG's should own the sinking ship. We moved our teams for the reasons that Ash talked about...that was pre-Glen.
Thanks to Jon and Scott for recognizing that someone could do a better job then stepping up and doing it.
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Sep 21, 2012 09:51 AM |
Hey Jon and Scott,
just to toot the nationals horn one more time........... since the tournament is coming up in just two weeks now, i am wondering if you happen to have any extra available time at east side eagles field, but where nobody is playing come championship weekend. I need to get our group together for a practice, and the days are getting shorter to do weekday practices....... and of course a bunch of us will be there at eastside anyways (i hope). anywhoooo i thought i would just inquire if you did have any openings in the jam packed playoff schedule at all?
If not we will just find another suitable location whenever i can get the most our guys together.
Neil Gwizon

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