Forums » In the PIT » Manitoba needs your vote!!
Messages for Manitoba needs your vote!!
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Aug 11, 2012 05:41 AM |
Valley Gardens Community Centre is asking for your support for our U9 Rockets team.
You can help us win $125,000 towards our soccer facilities!
BMO Team of the Week:
Our U9 Valley Gardens Community Centre Girls Soccer Team (the Rockets) were nominated for the BMO Team of the Week.
This is a national contest and there are a total of 15 teams nominated across Canada. Our congratulations and thanks go out to our U9 VG Rockets!
Starting August 13, 2012 Canada will be given the opportunity to vote on who the top team will be. Voting will take place over a two week period, ending August 27, 2012.
A win will mean $125,000 donated to Valley Gardens Community Centre towards soccer field refurbishment, a $5,000 donation to the Team's charity of choice and a trip for the team to watch a Canadian Major League Soccer or Canadian National Team home match.
This would be huge for our Community Centre and the Soccer program. And what an accomplishment for our team!
Who are the U9 VG Rockets:
Our U9 VG Rockets have being playing together since they were 5 years old. To earn the nomination they participated in a field clean-up and picked up garbage, not just on their home field, but also in other area parks. They participated in the Walk for Muscular Dystrophy and one player wore her team jersey as she participated in the relay portion of the Winnipeg Police Half Marathon which benefited the Canadian Cancer Society. Thank you Rockets!
Our players, coaches, and the parents have been working hard at promoting this and they all deserve a round of applause. There is a poster on our Valley Gardens Community Centre website as well as another version attached to this e-mail. These posters can be printed and posted at worksites (where permitted), gathering places, etc..
Please help us win this amazing opportunity this team has brought to Valley Gardens Community Centre.
We are hoping to raise 125,000 votes for our U9 VG rockets team.
Anyone can vote! The BMO voting site will be active from 12:00:01 on August 13, 2012 to 11:59:59 on August 27, 2012. You can go there directly at:
or a live link will be available once the voting starts on the Valley Gardens Community Centre website at
The BMO site will have a registration page where you will be asked for your name, e-mail address, postal code and age. Once registered you will be able to vote once a day for the full two week period. That means 14 votes per person!
Feel free to forward this e-mail to all your friends and contacts to help us win. As long as they are Canadian residents they can vote. They don't have to live in Winnipeg or even Manitoba. They just have to live in Canada.
On behalf of Valley Gardens Community Centre, our U9 VG Rockets, their coaches and parents, THANK YOU for your support!
For those who receive this e-mail we will be sending a daily reminder during the voting period to please vote. If you would prefer to be removed from this e-mail reminder please let me know by replying back to this e-mail requesting to be removed.
Thank you again for your support.
Cindy Elliott
President, Valley Gardens Community Centre
218 Antrim Road
Winnipeg, MB R2K 3L2
Office: (204) 668-6927
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Aug 14, 2012 06:50 AM |
Come on, this is youth sports.. 9 year old girls soccer here. They dont even play on full size fields so we are not against them. I am not supporting soccer and their mass booking of fields but more so the youth as having kids in sports is always a good thing.
When did I become the voice of reason.
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Aug 17, 2012 11:56 AM |
Actually we do compete with them for some fields. My 10 year old niece has games at HS paul, so they are using the same fields at times. Can we try convincing BMO to support one of our teams to be this 'team of the week'? I would say adults who have to balance life with rec football should have some money thrown their way too, for pretty new facilities.
Can we just imagine the PIT with its own fields, for exclusive use? :D
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Aug 18, 2012 03:53 AM |
wow!!! When did the Pit league become the online edition of the Winnipeg Sun where anyone with a computer and no brain can sign on and type stupid comments. Really cobra? The more people playing soccer will take away from our league...that is your argument? I was surprised to see the post but if you actually read it, it is for a 9 yr old girls soccer team...are you saying we shouldnt encourage kids to play soccer???? Put down your xbox and come out of your moms basement because there is a world outside of John Madden and touch football... I would rather kids play soccer than break into my car (again), and I know my kids play on a horrible field.... Secondly, if you do concern yourself with that sort of thing, they are raising money to either fix a field or have a new one built, which would possibly open up another field for this league. When you start to pay taxes, you will realize that it is better to have a company donate money rather than the government pay for it. The post also states that the team gets $5000 for charity...not sure what the argument is there.
Although I am not sure how they thought to submit a post on our leagues would appear that they are trying to get exposure to get enough votes to win. Stop being so narrow minded and see the big picture... or as you seem to prefer...go tell the 9 yr old girls to f*** off
And I actually went to the site to see exactly what they were asking, and this team has done a bunch of other charity related things so wake up. I actually thought this league was filled with classy guys....
The Real World
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Aug 18, 2012 07:41 PM |
So, let's see if I track your assumptions:
1) I don't think kids should play soccer;
2) Because of 1), I must live in my parents' basement and play a lot of video games;
3) Kids who play soccer don't get involved in crime.
This is the force of your argument; a series of baseless assumptions, ad hominem attacks, and leaps in logic that would make an intro to philosophy student cringe? Nice. I'll play your game if you'd like - you disagree with me and because of that you must be some sort of degenerate who eats puppies and drowns kittens. Also, you're a poophead. Wasn't that fun?
I recognise that reading comprehension is probably tenuous for you, so I'll try to break this down into small words and concepts for you: Because adult rec sports takes a distant backseat to kids' sports, we regularly and often struggle to keep fields for our use. That being the case, it seems silly of this group to advertise with their competition. Was that so hard to follow? Feel free to ask one of the 9 year olds to help you out if you had trouble.
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Aug 19, 2012 06:31 PM |
well then...wouldnt it be better to have more fields in the mix....especially ones that are dedicated for would free up more for football....also isnt $5000 for charity a good thing. And if you want to talk logic look at your brilliant quote "The more people playing soccer, the fewer fields we have" So having a new field will encourage more people to play soccer!!!! oh no!!!! The kids will have a nice place to play...... So lets follow your plan and not build anymore soccer fields...and while we are at it...i heard baseball is getting popular...they may rip up some football fields and put in baseball lets steal baseball bats from all the stores so nobody can play baseball and it will be nothing but football.... but wait...the more people that play football, the more demand there will be for lets not get too popular either...
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Aug 20, 2012 05:16 AM |
To be fair, it doesnt say anything about building new fields. It says it will goes towards "soccer field refurbishment". So basically just upgrading the fields they already have. Voting for kids to get more places to play, I have no problem with that, but coming onto a site where they lose alot of fields due to soccer, seems kinda strange.
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Aug 20, 2012 06:08 PM |
@really: I'm worried you might have taken a blow to the head, because I can't really come up with a better explanation for the nonsense you seem to clack out in response.
I didn't say anything about not wanting people to play soccer. I did, however, state that with more people playing soccer our selection of fields will be fewer. That seemed to puzzle you, so I'll try to explain, using a little something I like to call "math." If there are a finite number of fields available for sports, and soccer is given priority over adult football when it comes to deciding who gets to use the fields, then it stands to reason that soccer will be assigned a greater percentage of the available fields, at the expense of adult football. If there are only 10 fields available, and soccer keeps getting 1 extra per year, at some point soccer will get to have all the fields, and football will get none. If that is still confusing, then visit Sylvan Learning Centers, as they do amazing work tutoring people, because I can't help you.
Their request of us to vote for them is strange, as Travers said, because we do compete with other sports for use of the fields in the city. That was the whole and crux of the issue: how odd it is that they would advertise here when we're a less likely group to think this is wonderful news.
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Aug 27, 2012 07:18 AM |
this is only to bring the prize money to Manitoba and refursh an existing field or putting the funds towards an indoor complex. its like Kraft's Hockeyville, but just sponsored by the bank. I have been playng in the touch league for the past 17 years so you know I am a major football fan as well. I am just trying to support my daughters team and was looking to my fellow ball players to vote for the only Manitoba team in this competition. if you are willing to support here is the link its the final day until 11pm C'mon PIT!! lets keep the prize in Manitoba!
thanks everyone!
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Aug 28, 2012 05:37 AM |
Mike Kelly? Is that you? I've never encountered anyone so focussed on who's living in their mom's basement before... I'm wondering if maybe you're projecting dissatisfaction with your own basement-level living arrangements.
Anyway, this has been fun. I always enjoy a little intelligence in a debate; Really, let me know if you can provide some next time.

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