Forums » In the PIT » Pit Football on local TV
Messages for Pit Football on local TV
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Nov 09, 2014 09:50 PM |
A suggestion I think would be terrific for local tv is puting Pit Football on local tv which I would assume SHAW TV being the best possible partner. Being from North Dakota we have community tv channels and very often they would have such local sporting events put on.
Hearing the interest level being so high I would think there would be a strong interest level puting on a local sports show covering Pit Football. I notice they have a wrestling on the channel so surely there can be demand for Indoor Football.
Someone needs to present this idea and get it done.
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Nov 10, 2014 04:42 PM |
Back in the day there used to be a touch football show on VPW. Not sure how we could get this done, but it would be awesome. If we had some camera's perhaps Cam "2015 will be the year of the Cam" Penner's one-handed, snow cone catch, toe-tapping insanity touchdown could be shown in perpetuity as the greatest catch in indoor history!
Anyone know anything about local access television? Could be a boon to touch football in the Peg!
The PIT Crew
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Nov 19, 2014 01:06 AM |
Hey Nolan, I would slap the franchise tag on you. If the PIT could reach comparable NFL television viewing numbers on Shaw you would as a center be looking at a about $11,109,000 as per these cap numbers:
Not a bad deal for a touch football player...of course this is contingent on the PIT signing that lucrative TV contract!
The PIT Crew
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Nov 19, 2014 08:43 AM |
We used to do a TV show on Shaw way back when called "Touchbeat". That was the early 90's i believe. I approached Shaw again a couple of years ago to revive the show but they have changed their programming mandate. Back then they gave us 1/2 hour with a camera person and teckie to assist with the production. When i approached them last they told me they don't do that anymore and the most they would do is a 2 or 3 minute "info/interview" type clip (much like your short Pit promotional vid on the site) and replay it every once and a while over a month. Not what i wanted and I abandoned the idea. Having said that, today with the advent of technology someone could set up in their home or basement with a camera and set and do a show which could easily be uploaded to youtube or something and added to the Pit site weekly. So yes it could be done fairly easily but not through Shaw TV.
Former Host "Touchbeat"
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Nov 22, 2014 02:19 AM |
I don't know if the league already does this or not. Its also some what off subject but what about taping games and using it to teach refs. Just another way to make our refs better than all of those other leagues. Might help them to find things to look for better and what a call is or isnt in certain situations. I think for the ref clinics this would be great to teach new refs and even clarify stuff. *never been to a clinic just a random idea*

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