All rules are approved by Manitoba Health. The league cannot circumvent the rules under any circumstances.
Players cannot attend events if you have symptoms of COVID-19, if you have been in contact with someone that is confirmed to have COVID-19. You may also not play you have traveled outside Manitoba in the last 14 days to any destination that does not currently have an open border agreement with Manitoba (unless you are part of an essential service occupation).
- Teams will automatically forfeit any games in which they have a player who has not obeyed the rules.
- If you feel ill or have symptoms do not attend games.
- All participants must complete the SELF-SCREENING TOOL before each game.
- Players with preexisting medical conditions (e.g., asthma) which may result in coughing or other symptoms while playing are encouraged (but not required) to contact the league to help prevent misunderstandings at games.
- Waiver forms must be sent to PITwaivers@hotmail.com prior to the roster deadline (Saturday April 11th)
- Rosters will be filled out by the league. Players will be added to rosters once their waiver form has been received. No player will be added to a team without a waiver form. Teams who play with an illegal player will automatically default any games the player participated in and could be subject to further sanctions such as expulsion from the league.
- Teams must have their roster submitted with waiver forms by Saturday April 11th.
- Players can still be added to a roster after the season begins, however, waivers must be sent to the league 24-hours in advance in order to be added to the roster.
- Teams must bring the hand sanitizer and use prior to the start of the game, at half time, and immediately after the game.
- Gloves will be allowed in the Spring season. Gloves however must be sanitized prior to the start of the game, at half time, and immediately after the game.
- Hand sanitizer will be provided to team captains courtesy of Capital K Distillery
- Teams cannot enter the field or player box area until the previous teams have vacated.
- Washrooms will be open, but locker rooms will not be made available to teams.
- Players are expected to come dressed and ready to play for their games.
- Players must exit the field immediately after the games and must do so by a defined route outlined in the facility rules.
- Teams cannot enter the field or player box area until the previous teams have vacated.
- All players must be counted prior to the start of the game.
- All players not at the field when the captain’s huddle commences prior to the game will be crossed off.
- Players can be added at halftime if a player comes late.
- Players do not get credit for a game played if they are not at the game prior to halftime.
- All players are required to register online and provide a completed waiver form before participating in the football season.
- If a player is not participating in the game they will not be allowed on the sidelines.
- Communal team benches are not allowed.
- Players cannot be within two meters of one another on the sidelines. Failure to physically distance on the sidelines will result in an unsportsmanlike penalty (10-yards).
- Teams cannot leave the player boxes except to enter the field of play or leave the game.
- The referee’s area between the player boxes cannot be encroached upon for any reason unless the officials deem it necessary. This includes before the game, during halftime, and after the game.
- A warning will be given for the first team offense.
- An unsportsmanlike conduct penalty for a second offense (10-yards).
- The game will be called if there is a third offense per team.
- Referees have the right to penalize for the first offense if they deem a team has not social distanced purposely.
- Spitting at the field will be penalized with an unsportsmanlike conduct penalty (10-yards) for the first offense, then ejection for the second offense.
- Spectators must sign in at the facility so that contract tracing can occur. (Ideally starting in May)
- Spectators must remain socially distanced from on another unless they are from the same household. (Ideally starting in May)
- Spectators are not required to wear masks, but it is recommended that they do. (Ideally starting in May)
- Registered players of the league are permitted to watch games from the stands if they want to come early, stay late, or between games. (Ideally starting in May)
- Players must sanitize their gloves before the game, at halftime, and after games.
- Players are strongly encouraged to use hand sanitizer frequently during the game, and before touching their face.
- Players must wash their jerseys and gloves before the start of their next game.
- Players must bring their own water bottle marked with their name.
- Play clock will be lengthened to 30 seconds to allow teams to “circle” 2 meters apart further down the field so the opponents cannot hear them.
- Offenses will not be allowed to snap the ball within 10 seconds of the play clock starting to ensure that defenses can adequately provide a defensive play call.
- Within the last three minutes of each half, teams may go “hurry up” and snap the ball at any time after the whistle is blown (do not have to wait 10 seconds).
- Teams will be provided two 30-second timeouts per half. Timeouts cannot be carried over.
- Offenses may not “stack” receivers at the line. Social distancing requirements still exist on the field.
- Stacking receivers will result in an illegal formation penalty (10-yards).
- Defenses are not allowed to play press man coverage.
- All defensive players must line up a minimum of three-yards off the receiver (this is the same rule that applied previously only to those covering the center).
- The ball will be placed no closer than the two-yard line when in a goal line situation.
- If a defensive back is within three-yards of a receiver at the snap of the ball an offside penalty will be called (5-yards).
PIT Football and its members must comply with all Manitoba Health guidelines and stipulations.
PIT Football is always open to suggestions from our players, so if you have a new idea, we always enjoy talking with you regarding how to make the league better. We are the largest touch and flag football league in Canada, and player-based suggestions are one of the reasons why!