Forums » In the PIT » Full Winter Season Released
Messages for Full Winter Season Released
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Jan 14, 2016 01:03 AM |
The entirety of the Winter season has been finished and can be viewed here:
Teams should keep in mind the following:
1. There have been some changes to the January and February schedules so please double check the entirety of the schedule for changes! Teams have been warned.
2. There were literally 1000s of schedule requests and conflicts. We could not realistically accommodate all of them. Please be thankful for the 99 schedule requests that your team was accommodated for and not mad for the 1 that was not.
3. Divisions often had conflicting schedules. Some teams want early, some want late, some want Fridays some want Saturdays. Compromises had to be made.
4. Blame your yourself, not us, if conflicts were not specified on the schedule request form.
5. Please thank our scheduler Cara for all the hard work she put into the schedule. She literally put her PhD studies on hold the last two weeks to get this schedule out and her decent into madness can be viewed by the hourly updates I received. Please review the transcript of said updates below:
Hour 14 of scheduling:
"This team wants early games. 1:30 AM it is. Early morning. HA!"
Hour 18 of scheduling:
"Wait...there's a division 17!?!?!...shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit"
Hour 22 of scheduling:
"There are too many conflicts for this to work."
*Decides it would be easier to murder the player with the most conflicts rather than continue moving games around.
*Looks up Keith Bourgeois' address.
Hour 32 of scheduling:
Maybe we can just cancel this game and have the team captains arm wrestle for the win. On a Tuesday afternoon since that's the only time that works for both of them.
Hour 40 of scheduling:
I am adding myself to Steve Sarkasian's Drinking Team.
Hour 55 of scheduling:
"What even is a swaffle?"
*Google image search
Hour 56 of scheduling:
*Still researching swaffles
Hour 60 of scheduling:
DONE!!!! Let the yelling begin! Graceful Giraffes thought having the scheduler on their team would help. They thought wrong. See you at 12:45 AM boys :)
As you can see Cara's sense of humor was not dampened by the horrendous task of scheduling. Keep in mind only one recreational league in the world would put as much effort into scheduling as the PIT!

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