Forums » In the PIT » Players on teams in same divisions, c'mon guys!
Messages for Players on teams in same divisions, c'mon guys!
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Sep 15, 2013 06:56 PM |
I know I'm not the only person with an opinion on this topic but ill be the first to say something publicly! Players playing on multiple teams in the same division is a joke, something has to be done about that, someone who loses in a playoff game shouldn't get another shot at advancement for another team, they should be forced to pick a team and live with their choice, and for the players who get that opportunity, ( why do you join 2 teams in the same division?! ) it's time to man up and get this rule changed! I believe the saying is "one and done" not " two for two"
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Sep 15, 2013 09:07 PM |
to me it seems like a non issue, but of course i am one of those people who happenes now to be on 2 div 3 teams.......i believe div 2/3 was initially set up because teams didn't want to move up into Div 2, so this is sort of a side effect of that and no system is this point everyone has paid their money and were allowed to be on 2 teams in this division from day 1. From the beginning of the season there was a chance this could happen.... and if Brewers and New Age were in the same division come playoff time, i am sure you would like the chance to play with both of the teams you registered for.
Also at the same time i believe this div 2 / 3 has been one of the more fun divisions to play in because you got to see 14 or so different teams and most games were very competitive, so i think the positives outweigh the negatives.
In my mind i technically registered for a div 2 team (woodys last year were div 2) and 1 div 3 team (Deadzone) Woodys didn't play well enough to stay div 2, but it seems odd to start penalizing players who have paid there fees because of where their team ended up in the standings
just my opinion
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Sep 16, 2013 09:40 AM |
As much as I agree with the 14 teams you play for variety and how awesome that was, the one part that confuses me is that most players were under the impression if you were a division 1 or elite player you need 9 games for playoffs. This is untrue, to my surprise (found this out 10 mins before game time) this rule now includes divsions 2/3. This division was a merged division and because of the standings some of our teammates finished in both 2 and 3 come playoffs. Some lost out on our playoff game yesterday because they had not played 9 games, yet it was the same division the entire time. This rule would make sense if the divisons were initally split but they were not (obviously), and the 2 players had played 6 games as we thought they needed, this needed to become more clear earlier on that these divsions were included. Because of this confusion our team played almost a full quarter with 6 guys and only had 7 show. I admit that is nobodys fault, I post this here just incase anyone else may be running into this problem within the next few weeks. Can't wait for indoor and good luck to everyone left in the summer playoffs
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Sep 16, 2013 12:35 PM |
Here is the link to the original rule posted prior to the beginning of the season. These rules were also emailed out to all players in the league:
the intent of the rule was to prevent ringers from being added late in the season which was an issue brought up by many members as part of the survey that was conducted last year. Information is also posted as to what injured players can do to maintain their playoff eligibility.
The PIT Crew
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Sep 16, 2013 04:42 PM |
As much as everyone likes the variety of teams you play, bottom line is, management has an idea of who's gonna finish atop a division and who's gonna be the basement dwellers, the whole mixed division is a sloppy idea, I recall last year in indoor, brewers had beaten both the guild and anachronism in the regular season, duplicating there 4-1 records, yet somehow brewers didn't get a shot at themin the playoffs even though we proved we were the team to beat, I hope we can get the mixed Division thing fixed, then like JJ mentioned, people wouldn't get screwed out of playoff games, and there won't be multiple players on different teams in the same division. On a side note to gwizon, if both your teams make it to the final your going to have to make a choice regardless, and I know your not the only one out there in this situation, but I still think players should be forced to make a choice before playoffs an stick with their choice, I mean your worried about getting cut out of 3 more possible games?!? Like really is that a big deal out of the 36 regular season games and 6 possible playoff games? You really can't let 3 games go?!? I can guarantee if there was a vote from everyone in those mixed divisions the vote would be to just make 2 divisions, sure there's a variety of different teams, but not a variety of players.
Ps Neil, JJ knew before the season started that I would choose brewers over new age come playoff time, wasn't a hard choice at all
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Sep 16, 2013 05:01 PM |
Team captains were consulted before the season started and overwhelmingly teams were in favor of playing a more varied schedule and not to lose key players come playoffs. Next year rules will be different but many teams refused to move up in caliber even though they had the ability to do so for this summer. The combined division was a way to bridge the gap and many teams who thought they couldn't compete in division 2 now sit close to the top of that division. No system is perfect and there will always be outlying responses however if players are not going to read the emails sent to them regarding the rules we cannot be held responsible.
We will also make note that the Brewers wish to play elite forevermore, quoth the Nolby Calet!
The PIT Crew
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Sep 16, 2013 06:10 PM |
Well for the people who don't like these mixed divisions, I tried, and I mentioned the brewers thing to prove a point Jon. But if your that sensitive on the subject ( brewers 2-0 against your teams ) I'm sure the boys would gladly go 3-0, 4-0 whatever it is.
God I love these forums. Nothing like hyping up the upcoming indoor season, Goodluck to everyone in their playoff games.
Ps I hope management knows I'm only half serious, these forums are dead
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Sep 18, 2013 02:51 PM |
Only thing i will add is between my two teams it was also well known which team i would be playing on come playoffs as well (Deadzone)much like JJ knew you were playing Brewers (your original team)..... looks like there is a decent chance we play the Woody's next round. However, I'm sure if the Woody's knew they might lose me for the entire playoffs if they ended up in div 3, then they wouldn't have asked me to call defense for them all season, as they knew from day 1 where my main commitment was.... so since the rules from day 1 were that i could play on 2 teams, the woody's committed to me calling there D this year and that understandably can't be changed at this point. The other issue with not allowing players to play on both teams would have been teams would have on purposely tanked games potentially to drop a division so they would not have that conflict to deal with.
Like Jon said things will be different next year - which hopefully means, that teams who have been reluctant to move up but have finished in Div 2 this year, will now be the div 2 of next year.
it does suck that you guys lost a player for playoffs due to the games played rule though.... i get that because clearly your intent is not to stack your team with a "div 2" player when essentially this was the same division all year, but the league i am sure would also take just as much and more flack if they made an exception to the stated rule come playoffs to suit a situation where the rule maybe should not have applied.
ok so i added a few things not only 1 thing!!! oh well. I also look forward to indoor...... can't wait to transfer my skills to QB as i get slower every year and drink more and more booze!!!! i'm tired of running around all the time, time to become a solid pocket passer and win a div 3 and 4 title tossing the ball!!!

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