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Messages for I just don't talk the talk...
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Jun 25, 2013 11:40 AM |
During my last game, there was a lot of trash talking, which is fine...The only thing is when I talk, I back it up. I was wearing my action cam during the game and the QB of Go Deep who was playing defence on me and on a tag chose to grab my cam to make a tag. I told him he didn't need to grab the cam, its a 2 hand touch game! He then tells me I shouldn't have it on in the first place, I told him I have it on to make him look famous and embarrass his ass! He laughed it off, FINE!
Later he made a great defensive play in the end zone to stop me from scoring and talked to his teams saying "Ya, he's going to embarrass me, ya right!"
Fast forward to the last quarter of the game and we are down but a touchdown, and what happens next...I will tell you...the man leading Div 10 in INTs picks off said QB and takes it to the house, and in mid stride tells the out of shape QB trying to catch me "I told you so, now you are famous." I then give a little boy a high 5 for coming out to the show.
The man was frazzled, so frazzled that the extra point was scored on him as well, after telling my QB to get at him!
Did it end there, nope! He was so shook up, that I made a sequel to the on field movie "I Just Don't Talk The Talk", I came out with my Div 10 leading 9th pic to end his day on the field!!
But in all honesty, I play my game and play hard on the field, I have fun, talk to everyone and enjoy the day, but when you don't come and shake hands because you got your ass handed to you, that is disrespect to not only your team who all did, but to my teammates and myself who gave you a run for your money!! This is a game, and tempers flare, things are said, but show some class!!
Its only the beginning boys and girls!
P.S. Hey Jon, come early to watch the show next time, lol....I will even get you front row tickets, HA HA HA HA!
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Jun 25, 2013 10:25 PM |
Come play in a higher division, then we'll talk. I play for my TEAM, not for myself like a glorified cam whore.
Tell the world how I shut your ass down for 4 quarters. You left that part out.
Oh and the other part about how my biggest receiver went over top your ass for a very beautifully caught post pattern and roasted you for that TD.
I'm sorry your camera didn't catch that action, or did you delete that when you got home?
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Jun 25, 2013 10:36 PM |
No disrespect to the guys on Onslaught. I respect the guys I know on that team. I just had enough of guys like you for one day. Frustration was on me for letting the guys on my team down and making you look pretty.
Anybody can win a race with a fat quarterback. Why not prove yourself and race against a fit quarterback? Who wants to prove anything against a slow, out of shape quarterback in the first place?
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Jun 25, 2013 10:52 PM |
Regarding your little camera. Who the hell knows anyone is wearing a camera in a game in the first place. Who the hell wears a camera in a game in the first place.
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Jun 26, 2013 02:24 AM |
You too funny, in the team put played your team...not me, my team!! If you saw footage I had from last year, it was about fun, jokes and football....I never boast about how good I am, I already know how good I am. You want me to play on a higher div, that's no problem, fact is...I was playing with Jon in the Elite div my for week in this league, but due to injury I had to step away....from there I just play for fun. Guys like me, LOL....I have probably played more competitive football than you have watched on TV....I will never say I never got beat, I will never say I don't drop passes, but when you tick me off, know you will get yours, and you did...At the end of it, you cost your team the game, and I motivated mine to win our game, it just so happens that I scored the winning INT on your ass to make it happen. Div 10 or Div 3, it don't matter I will come to play and will take it to anyone I play against, but also have the class, win or lose to shake the men that I have played against, because in all honesty, anyone can have a bad game, and anyone can have a great game. That day, was a bad game for me....So next time we play, just smile at the camera and enjoy the damn game of football.
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Jun 27, 2013 03:55 PM |
I assumed this rant or post was only for fun but apparently I was wrong. I used to be a cocky guy as well, but I don't believe there is any room for a camera to be on anyone playing touch football. Can you imagine the insurance issues for the league if anyone ever got hurt? If you do truly respect the game I would hope you would think next time before strapping a camera on during any game.
Just some comments from the peanut gallery.
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Jun 28, 2013 12:04 AM |
First off, I did one video for indoor and people both in Toronto and here in the peg enjoyed it. I even got others interested in the league because of it. Here is the link for those who thought I was trying to be some type of cocky ass...
Half of the time I was making fun of myself....But again, going back to being called out and all....I happy to play this game again coming back from a career ending injury 5 years ago, so am I happy I play well, yes, do I think I am better than some, sure, who doesn't think that, do I leave on the field...every bit of it.
If the "fat QB" thinks he so out of shape and all, then why play at all, and hold your players on your team the chance to win....I make my team better, no matter what division I'm in. WHAT DO YOU DO? Complain about calls, throw INTs and walk off like a 5 year old who dropped their ice cream right after buying it from the truck. I can go on and will never match words with me, or skills, so stop yourself now.
As for trying to check the footage, I threw off the cam in disgust by said "fat QB" thinking he had me. One defensive stop and one score on me, doesn't prove anything, but if you want to put that in your scrapbook right beside the score, just don't forget that Onslaught defeated Go Deep in your amazing defensive efforts against me!
You series now QB, make it count!
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Jun 28, 2013 05:54 PM |
Okay I couldn't let you bash Mac anymore and listen to you praise yourself like your some unstoppable player or something, first of all, you play div 10 and your excited about being the best player in that division? There's a reason your playing onslaught this year, and no longer with UCTT (which is now in div 5) and that's because you didn't make our team better, and your not a team player. And before you start bashing qbs around the league, ( especially ones that are known and respected ) try tossing a few games man and see how easy it is. Actually hold that thought, I've seen you throw and believe me it's not pretty. So "Mr. I can do everything " , im gonna be looking forward to hoan putting a beat down on you for this shit you've caused. I'd put you to school myself, but damn man, your in the leagues basement divisions hahahaha, maybe next year when you decide to play in a more "respectable/suitable division" we'll meet, but until then, keep your "I'm better than you" attitude corked!
Sincerely (lol)
Jessie Clarke
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Jun 28, 2013 11:01 PM |
Jessie telling me I didn't make your team??? I was the same dude who knocked you out of the playoffs with your undefeated season in indoor ball, or do you forget that. I didn't choose the div, the owners did, don't know how they made that choice, but they did. I don't play for me, as I said....I never talked about nor trash talk any other player n this league, I talked about a guy who disrespected the game we play. My camera doesn't harm anyone, and it doesn't effect plays...The cam is for fun, that's all, I wanted to wear it to play around with a few co-workers. Now you take this to another level....All good!! You think I play for me? Well, anyone that I have played with will tell you different.
But again, my "attitude" you claim I had is your opinion, so cocky that I shook all the players hands, asked how all the refs how they were doing, and even apologized to them for the comments being made by our team. All in all, I ball out, thats want to call me out as well, so be it...we will see how it all played with me, and you saying this is bullshit!
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Jun 29, 2013 12:40 AM |
Let me set this story straight.
When you come on the field, and I make a tag on you during regulation play, and I grab a strap because you have it exposed as part of your camera equipment, then you turn around and start complaining why I am grabbing your camera strap, then there is an issue with your on field equipment. For one, I DID NOT GRAB YOUR CAMERA. I inadvertently grabbed a strap.
For me to ask why then are you wearing it, and your response was and I will quote your exact words here:
"...I told him I have it on to make him look famous and embarrass his ass! He laughed it off, FINE!"
1. I have respect for any team I play right from the start and will accept any mandatory beat down for play on any given day and will shake hands with my tail between my ass any day and accept any and all criticism. But when you start opening your mouth spewing crap 2 minutes into a game with those words and complaining about me grabbing your precious camera, when if fact it was your strap, then I will have no respect for you and will not risk any confrontation shaking your hands in respect for both teams. Let me remind you of league rules around here:
"Verbal criticism and bad-mouthing towards referees, league representatives and opposing players or fans on or off fields of play is inexcusable and will not be tolerated. Regardless of the situation it can do nothing but degrade the quality and status of the PIT Football League. Offending individuals will be handled with strict disciplinary measures."
Tempers will flare, but you tipped the f'n scale. Yeah, you irritated me to the point that made me ask why the hell am I even on this field with someone who thinks he's anybody in division 10. No disrespect for division 10 players, but some divisions are there for getting to get to know the game and getting to a competitive level, and there are some teams that are growing their potential.
2. YOU...YES...YOU...chose to throw your camera behind the field of play when I raised concerns about safety of your camera to the referee after the tag. The fact that I grabbed a strap and you to complain about it is an issue and the referees should not have let you play with that on the field, if jewellery is not even allowed. During games, nothing is controlled and injuries or damage to players or your equipment is a cause for concern. Instead of throwing it off the field, YOU chose to throw it on the field of play. This is unacceptable when even football tees cannot be left on the field. You risk the injury of players and if anyone runs over your little camera, you're going to be posting crap all over this forum about how fat QB's and chunky defenders decided to step on your camera after RAISING CONCERNS ABOUT YOUR ON FIELD EQUIPMENT THAT YOU THREW THERE.
3. Get your story straight and stop putting words in my mouth about what I said or didn't say.
Also, please come up to the higher divisions. All of us fat, out of shape QB's are waiting for you.
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Jun 29, 2013 09:22 AM |
p.s. sirtoks
I understand trash talking and thats always a part of football.I had a minor injury to stop me from playing for sometime as well.I understand your competitive and enjoy the game but you should be smarter especially if you are as good as you say. It sounds like you played against a pretty calm and well mannered team especially wearing your camera. I would bet that some teams would not take that to lightly and imagine there first tag on you would have been to knock that right off. I would speak for any of my previous teams thats excatly what we would have done.
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Jun 29, 2013 09:43 AM |
Im all for trash talking during games (even in the bottom div 11 where I play) but, I also know there are limits. Its all fine to be cocky, but you could be doing more harm than good being that way. You can be a really good player, but if your cocky to the point that its annoying, people will just not want to have you on their team, no matter how good you are. Its not worth the baggage and trouble it can potentially cause. And if someone wants to wear a camera while playing, I think that's fine, but if it happens to get broken during a game, accidently or not, I think that's fine too.
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Jun 29, 2013 03:39 PM |
"I was the same dude who knocked you out of the playoffs with your undefeated record" that statement alone shows your not a team player, because as I recall " the snipers" knocked us out, and you had nothing to do with the victory for them, need proof? What's the name of the team your on now? Shawn pachet is a hell of a player and that chemistry with his dad is unparalleled, they're the engine that keeps that team going, not tunde " I'm better than you" Owens. Won't be long until onslaught realizes they're better off without you, even Terrell couldn't make a squad( not that his talent and your talent are even comparable) but just saying.
Suck on that one for awhile basement dweller.
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Jun 29, 2013 04:58 PM |
Normally I don’t post on here, I do my talking in person or on the field, but I think it has come to a point where I feel that I should say something.
First off I feel this thread has gotten completely out of hand in regards to people trash talking other people, trash talking is part of the game and should stay on the field and once the game is over all past differences should be put to the side, after all we are all here to play and have fun. In the end this is just a game for us to play, have fun and try and even keep in shape a little.
Second from my understanding the league has allowed Tunde to wear this camera, therefore I see no issue and have no issue with him wearing the camera during a game. I also feel that the “make you famous” comment was a comment that was made during the heat of the game and no ill meaning was meant as I have watched most of Tunde’s video’s and in all of which if he makes fun of anybody it is himself and has never made a comment otherwise towards other players.
Thirdly Tunde is a valued member of my team, he makes our team better, and he is always positive on the sideline and works to help our guys get better whether they are receiver or defender. To me that doesn’t sound like a player that plays for himself that sounds like a team player to me.
Go Deep played one hell of a game against us that day and tempers flared on both sides of the ball, once the final whistle blew that should have been the end of it. And hopefully this will be the end of this thread as well.
Enough Said
Sean Godard
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Jun 29, 2013 06:37 PM |
Let me reiterate some of your own words and maybe send a memo to members of your team to regarding what you just said:
"First off I feel this thread has gotten completely out of hand in regards to people trash talking other people, trash talking is part of the game and should stay on the field and once the game is over all past differences should be put to the side, after all we are all here to play and have fun. In the end this is just a game for us to play, have fun and try and even keep in shape a little."
"trash talking is part of the game and should stay on the field" - I have no problem with trash talking. However, when a member of your team decides to take it off the field and into a public forum, then I have every right to defend myself in a this public forum. Maybe send out a memo to your team to trash talk with respect and if you're going to cross that line in division 10 and add "embarrass" my ass, then you just upped it to another level of play. I can tolerate such talk in higher divisions because honestly, some guys there can embarrass my ass and I would never trash talk anyone up there or in any division due to respect and knowledge they can own my ass. If you're going to bring the talk, then come on up to the higher division, and play against guys better matched with your talent and we can decide who owns who's ass.
Now, if you purport that Jon or Scott has allowed such equipment on the field - I certainly didn't get a memo about it and I referee, and my understanding is the rule book even allows flac jackets - any player bringing on said equipment should not be concern of inadvertent grabbing of straps, or damage of that equipment during play. Why should any player have to accommodate any equipment on the field and adjust their level of play in order to get famous and have their asses owned.
I appreciate your coming on the forum and presenting your side, and maybe to avoid future flare ups, please let other teams know that Tunde will be going to be making them famous and owning their asses at the same time prior to the game starting up, and to also accommodate the camera during their tag.
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Jun 29, 2013 07:40 PM |
First my team has been talked to in regards to trash talking on and off the field. And I do not disagree with you feeling you needed to defend yourself in this forum but when other players decide to jump on the bandwagon that is a different story. Players in lower Divisions are just as competitive as players in other higher Divisions and should be treated with the same amount of respect as those in the higher Divisions and to state that you can’t tolerate the trash talking from a lower Division team, well maybe you shouldn’t play in that lower Division if you are not going to respect those players the same way. Just because they don’t have your experience in playing football doesn’t make them any less of a player or any less competitive.
I also believe that this entire thread was created because you chose not to shake hands at the end of the game which pissed off my entire team, and both Dale and I made the effort to go over to you to shake hands with you on the sideline instead of doing it at midfield. As the beginning of the thread was a lead in to why you did not shake hands, it may have been poorly written and I am sure Tunde regrets writing it the way he did.
Seeing that you really don’t appreciate the camera I will ask him not to wear it the next time we play you guys, and any other team that doesn’t want him to wear it.
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Jun 29, 2013 08:17 PM |
I never said I can't tolerate trash talking from a lower division team. I said: "I can tolerate such talk in higher divisions because...", and by that I mean, you can talk all you want in higher divisions it doesn't really bother me, but I also pointed out if your going to trash talk in the lower divisions, then you are upping your game. As Tunde pointed out and the topic of this thread: "I just don't talk the talk...".
I also never said anything about not respecting other players either, as it has already been shown Tunde has shown little to no respect by putting this out into a public forum and indicating he wants to embarrass my ass. If you're going to back up your talk and leave it on the field, then leave it on the f'n field.
Again, please stop putting words in my mouth. There are many players in division 10 that I have full respect for, and that includes the Thunder Buddies. There is one player on that team I absolutely would not throw to because he has some very good ball skills. Not to mention The Young & The Rest Of Us, owning Go Deep's ass, and Polar Bear Football is one step away from organizing a good offense to running the score on some teams.
I regret not shaking hands with your team, I will apologize, but this is the second time I've already done so when a player on another team chooses to show little or no respect for other players on the field. As I have said, I chose to walk away from any and all confrontation, and I'm leaving it on the field. There is also no written rule about having to shake hands either. I have no problems if teams don't shake hands after a game either, it's not like it's mandatory and it also doesn't mean I disrespect a team less. However, when I go home, I don't write up and publicly detail it either. If you don't shake hands, you don't shake hands, I could give a frick less. If you kicked my ass, you kicked my ass, period. If you kicked my ass and offended me in a game, then don't expect a handshake, and that includes the team you represent.
Again, I never said I didn't appreciate the camera and being made famous and have my ass embarrassed in public, but if you're going to complain about it when it is an inadvertent grab, then either get a better strap, or tell teams ahead of games you have a camera and maybe we can adjust our game.
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Jun 29, 2013 08:51 PM |
Maybe handshaking isn’t in the rule book, but like in any sport it is an unwritten rule and shows disrespect and poor sportsmanship to anyone that has ever played organized sports, maybe I am old fashioned but any team/player that chooses not to shake hands at the end of the game is in very poor taste. No matter how bad the game was I always make the effort to go out and let the other team know they played a good game and that there are no hard feelings. If someone on the other team decides to take it to the next level during said handshake that is on them not on you, and I have rarely seen a fight break out during a handshake. People that decide to fight during this should be thrown out of the league and not allowed back.
In the end the original meaning and intent of this thread has been dealt with and will not happen again. But from where I stand continuing this debacle is in poor taste, I am tired of dealing with this and just want to get back to playing football.
I have always respected you Hoan, and always look forward to playing against you cause I know you will make us bring our A game, but this dam thread is like the energizer bunny and just won’t die and should have ended a long time ago and not dragged on for a week.
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Jun 29, 2013 09:06 PM |
Sean, I'm not disagreeing with you on this at all and as an unwritten rule it can be expected. Again, I'm not looking for a fight, but I will not have my temper get the best of me or make a situation worse, and if I choose to walk away from a situation at the price of my reputation, then it's all the better, and I didn't ruin the reputation of the league.
Dating your best friends sister is also an unwritten rule, but hey, that happens too. Enough of this, I'm done as well.
Have a good long weekend.

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