Forums » Fields » Frank Whyte, Winnipeg Nomads
Messages for Frank Whyte, Winnipeg Nomads
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Jul 26, 2011 03:15 PM |
The PIT is very happy to announce that the North Winnipeg Nomads and the PIT touch football league have come to terms with usage for our membership this year. The regulation size football field has a beautiful crowned playing surface, coupled with the PIT's professional lining, this field should be a favorite of the membership this year. The PIT never rests on its laurels, rather we endeavour to make touch football the number one recreational sport choice for the weekend-weekday warrior of Winnipeg!!
You can view the location here:
there will be adjustments made on the current schedule shortly.
PIT Crew
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Jul 31, 2011 08:39 PM |
The recent additions of John Forsyth Park and Frank Whyte Park brings the total number of fields acquired by the PIT this year to 9 and 17 different fields in rotation overall. With the addition of all of these fields, next year the PIT will be able to offer both North and South end fields each night on the majority of occasions, while being able to rotate our fields to keep them in the best condition possible. To recap our new fields are as follows:
New North End Fields in 2011:
1. Andrew Mynarski Junior High (2 fields)
2. Little Mountain Park
3. Old Exhibition Grounds
4. Robertson Athletic Grounds
5. St. James Memorial Sports Park
6. Frank Whyte Park
New South End Fields in 2011:
7. Edward Shindleman Park
8. John Forsyth Park
9. Paddington Park
To check out the location click on the following link which will provide a complete list of all PIT locations:
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Aug 05, 2011 08:54 AM |
Frank Whyte was cut, lined, and provided some soil and TLC (manicuring) yesterday as we ready for our first usage at Winnipeg's Newest Touch Football field. Frank Whyte is on the corner of Inkster and Fife and for those "old school" players such as myself you will remember using this field back in the day! A big thanks to the Nomads football Club for allowing the PIT to use their facility and continue building our repertoire of fields in the North End (6 North End fields acquired this year alone!).
Here are some pictures of our work with an important message brought to you by our resident mascot attack cat: Pads will be on-site so teams/refs will not have to worry about picking up or returning them. First usage is Saturday. Enjoy.
The PIT Crew
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Aug 10, 2011 11:01 AM |
The PIT's relationship with the North Winnipeg Nomads continues to strengthen. The PIT has just received a gift from the football club to help keep the membership safe while playing at Frank White field this year...
Goal pads! A few pictures of our first topsoil touch up at the Frank Whyte location for the 2011 PIT season.
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Oct 30, 2011 01:56 PM |
Even when the season ends the PIT strives to offer their membership the best playing fields in touch football today. The PIT Crew went to work Sunday afternoon adding one yard of soil to Frank Whyte (Nomads), aerating the field, thatching it, and adding grass seed where necessary. By working on the fields in the off-season, when the whistle blows to start the 2012 summer season our fields will be that much better. Does your league administration work to improve their fields all year long? If not, you should ask where your registration fees are going.
Thanks to Neil McKernan and attack dog for helping us put down the yard of soil and grass seed to the field. Here are some pictures of the days work:
The PIT Crew
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Apr 03, 2012 11:22 AM |
Here are a few pictures I took last week. The Winnipeg Nomads and PIT league have combined forces once again to share field usage and improve the quality of fields. Check out how things are coming along with some some photos I took last week while I was inspecting the PIT's stable of fields for the 2012 Summer season.
The PIT Crew
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May 31, 2012 10:56 PM |
The PIT Crew is on a field lining binge, hoping to get six fields lined in the span of a week, the largest lining operation in PIT history. It will take some hard work, but here is the first of our lining jobs:
Unfortunately Frank Whyte was a two day job as our field liner once again broke down. The PIT Crew got the machine fixed then reassembled the Saturday morning just after 7:00am to get the field lined in time for the 9:00am games. The only consolation was the field looked great...then the monsoons game. Sigh.
The PIT Crew
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Oct 22, 2012 11:52 AM |
The PIT crew continues to improve existing fields. Frank Whyte was Thatched, Aerated, and seed was put down to prepare for the 2013 Summer season. Additional topsoil, and grass seed will be applied Spring 2013. You can view the photos via the image gallery within the navigation menu, or the direct link here:
The PIT Crew
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Oct 31, 2012 09:17 AM |
The PIT crew saw opportunity to do some additional pre Spring seeding, so we went out for another PIT work afternoon. You can view our results here:
The PIT Crew
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Jun 30, 2013 03:01 AM |
Many people have asked why Frank Whyte field hasn't been on the schedule this year. Unfortunately with all of the youth sports played on the field it has been taken out of commission for the PIT for the 2013 season. We hope the field will be playable for 2014 and to help it along Scott and I went out and started to put some work into the field. Here are a few pics of the yard of soil that we put down between the hashes and the second yard of soil that went down at Old Exhibition Grounds:
The work in the PIT never ends! Running the league is kind of like this...
...only with less flying alligator-monkey things and more field lining and dirt spreading.
The PIT Crew
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Jul 10, 2014 12:40 AM |
Frank Whyte was lined to help fill the void left with all of the rain outs. With a record number of rain outs piling up we will be diverting a large number of games here. The field has some great spots...and some not so great spots. Not sure why tackle football uses small spaces of the field repeatedly. The only thing that does is kill the grass! Oh well. Here are some pics of our handiwork along with some of the ladies that have made watching the World Cup this year so enjoyable:
The PIT Crew
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Jul 27, 2014 03:06 AM |
Frank Whyte was lined by the PIT Crew this past week and the field is definitely looking better since the tackle program has got off it and the rain has come. Still not perfect but miles ahead of what it was earlier this year. With all the lining we have done lately it makes you wonder how the PIT Crew remains sane. Well, the PIT Crew did learn to paint from this guy:
Pretty little clouds.
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May 25, 2015 01:31 AM |
Frank Whyte was lined earlier in May, just getting all the pics up. We have our new lazer liner working to perfection and you should see even better results with our field lining this year. A big thanks to Brent Sliwany who has stepped up with much of the field lining duties.
As many of you probably know I like to intersperse random pictures into our field lining galleries to make them more interesting. I googled Frank Whyte to see what came up, apparently Da Reallionaire is named Frank Whyte and there is a Frank Whyte photography. You will want to check out the photography pics...Da Reallionaire? Well he sucks.
Our field lining job definitely doesn't:
The PIT Crew
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Jun 10, 2015 01:12 AM |
Frank Whyte was relined this week to offset some of the games that were moved due to the rain. Here are some pics of the fieldwork and other pics when you google "Nomads":
The PIT Crew
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Jun 05, 2016 03:10 PM |
Frank Whyte was lined for the second time this season. Like Old Ex the grass was pretty out of control, while it hasn't been great weather for football to start the summer, it has been ideal conditions for grass to grow wild. We cut and lined the field and quite honestly this might be the best field in the PIT right now, I have never seen this field so pristine!
Here are some pics to back up that assertion:
Only in the PIT!
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Jun 13, 2017 11:23 AM |
As promised the fields this summer were to be lined every two weeks. Frank Whyte was first lined on for games on June 6th but due to all the rain, sunshine and grass growth the lines disappeared pretty quickly. Apex Field lining lined the fields yesterday to ensure proper linings for this weeks games. To view pictures of the new field linings and to keep up to date on all that is PIT follow us on Twitter @PITFootall or check out some pics here:
The PIT Crew
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Jun 27, 2017 10:56 PM |
Frank White was lined for the third time this season, once again within the two week time frame as promised! The rain has helped return Frank Whyte to its rightful place as one of the best touch football fields in the city, perhaps behind only Maple Grove. Thanks to Apex lining for another bang up job. Check out some pics of the field here:
The PIT Crew

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