Ref appreciation means our refs get decked out by the PIT Crew!
Candy, wtf? (I ate some, add 95 cents to my PIT tab)!.
Beer containment Unit
Pretty sweet PIT Crew jackets!
The refs will be protected from any rain this summer!
The ref with the highest # of games reffed receives the spoils.
D styles and profiles for the ladies
Mr. Kives looking dapper!
Rick enjoys his new hat...even more than his new wings!
Someone show Al how to wear a hat!
One of our new rookie refs earns his stripes!
Looking fine Caroline, but how did you get a hat?
More swag for the ref on pace for 500 games this year!
Shaun is big, he gets a hat regardless of not reffing enough
Neil gets one too..for not reffing much (free hats on the PIT tab!)
Melissa gets all the ref swag for her hard work this summer
Joey is overcome with emotion by the sight of his new hat
Time to ditch the colts hat Chris!
Donny shows off his new bespoke jacket
Best refs in Canada?
Why is Brent reffing no one?
Mighty fine pacing Brad...yep, mighty fine
David gets the porn lighting going
David runs like Peter from Family Guy
Rick working hard
Joey takes one in the balls
Melissa wondering what she did to deserve this gig
That is some fancy footwork Chris