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McPhillips Athletic Grounds August 9th 2013
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McPhillips Athletic Grounds August 8th, 2013
Created Aug 8, 2013
Stupid things that people do with their cars.
McPhillips Athletic Grounds before pic
City workers ride off into the sunset...probably to nap
Yep some f#ckers off roaded the field
This is where their car will end up if I find them!
Scott trudging along...
..still trudging... least he is trudging in a straight line
This car was not trudging...
...maybe the driver had done some hash?
Lots of hash
No player boxes as this field has the stands of death...
...which is where I would put this driver
Aerial view of our masterpiece
Despite the off roading the field is lined well!
And isn't this clusterf#ck