Only in the PIT!
Flight of the bumblebees
Gus shows off his QB impression
Kevin Coyle tries to one up Gus
Ryan loses an arm on the play
High five
Kidney punch
David vs Goliath
Business in the in the back
When you are 7 feet tall, usually you can't duck a tag!
Readying the penalty kick
3-way action
Getting cooties
Gus deaks his imaginary foe
Ed directs traffic
Look mom, I can do a cart-wheel!
How not to catch (must be the different colored gloves)
Athletic ability (or lack thereof) on display?????
Lets hold hands as we cross the endzone
Who ordered the fries?
Easier to throw with just one hand Gus
Damian shows off his juggling skillz
Apparently he has none
Compromising position caught on camera
Roughriders? It makes sense now why Gus plays without a ball
Yes, I get it, my hat is stupid.
Crossing the imaginary finish line
Can't play without the shades
Its not as much fun throwing to myself
Field looks great, even up close!