Snipers practice their moon walk
Kevin Robson, the man who plays every position on the field!
Snipers/HFC in a defensive struggle
On my mark, unleash hell!
Simon says "don't move"
Wow, I really could get my head in there!
Failed sobriety test
Who let Donny head ref?
Getting ready to show the Beercats their TDs
Scott adds to his "pictures of random dudes backs" portfolio
Bombs away!
Clansmen vs Gatos may have been the game of the night!
Blurred vision after a night of drinking
I see dead people
Glen commands respect with his pyjama pants!
Sean Godard casts a spell
Donny getting some face time
Somebody tell the WR where the line of scrimmage is!
Derek Yachison could be the next big thing!
Daniel Fingler surveys the field
Adam less pointing more playing!
Where did my QB go?
Reid with the unusual QB stance
Wizard spell 2.0
Big Deal clashes with the Ratz
Big Deal making the calls for the refs
D gets jiggy on retro Nomads jersey night
Urban Animals vs Levels!
Who let Scotty QB?
The Guild substitutes back in their good looking QB